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INI File  |  1997-07-01  |  4KB  |  494 lines

  1. [FileTypes]
  2. Types=*.m
  4. [Comments]
  5. Beginning=%|
  7. [Keywords]
  8. !
  9. &
  10. *
  11. +
  12. -
  13. .*
  14. ...
  15. ./
  16. .^
  17. /
  18. :
  19. <
  20. >
  21. \
  22. ^
  23. |
  24. ~
  25. abs
  26. acosh
  27. acos
  28. acoth
  29. acot
  30. acsch
  31. acsc
  32. all
  33. angle
  34. ans
  35. any
  36. asech
  37. asec
  38. asinh
  39. asin
  40. atan2
  41. atanh
  42. atan
  43. auread
  44. auwrite
  45. axes
  46. axis
  47. balance
  48. bar
  49. besseli
  50. besselj
  51. besselk
  52. bessely
  53. betainc
  54. betaln
  55. beta
  56. blanks
  57. bone
  58. break
  59. brighten
  60. capture
  61. cart2pol
  62. cart2sph
  63. caxis
  64. cdf2rdf
  65. cd
  66. cedit
  67. ceil
  68. chol
  69. clabel
  70. cla
  71. clc
  72. clear
  73. clf
  74. clock
  75. close
  76. colmmd
  77. colorbar
  78. colormap
  79. colperm
  80. comet3
  81. comet
  82. compan
  83. compass
  84. computer
  85. condest
  86. cond
  87. conj
  88. contour3
  89. contourc
  90. contour
  91. contrast
  92. conv2
  93. conv
  94. cool
  95. copper
  96. corrcoef
  97. cosh
  98. cos
  99. coth
  100. cot
  101. cov
  102. cplxpair
  103. cputime
  104. cross
  105. csch
  106. csc
  107. csvread
  108. csvwrite
  109. cumprod
  110. cumsum
  111. cylinder
  112. date
  113. dbclear
  114. dbcont
  115. dbdown
  116. dbquit
  117. dbstack
  118. dbstatus
  119. dbstep
  120. dbstop
  121. dbtype
  122. dbup
  123. deblank
  124. dec2hex
  125. deconv
  126. del2
  127. delete
  128. delete
  129. det
  130. diag
  131. diary
  132. diffuse
  133. diff
  134. dir
  135. disp
  136. dlmread
  137. dlmwrite
  138. dmperm
  139. dot
  140. drawnow
  141. echo
  142. eig
  143. ellipj
  144. ellipke
  145. elseif
  146. else
  147. end
  148. eps
  149. erfcx
  150. erfc
  151. erfinv
  152. erf
  153. errorbar
  154. error
  155. etime
  156. etreeplot
  157. etree
  158. eval
  159. eval
  160. exist
  161. expint
  162. expm1
  163. expm2
  164. expm3
  165. expm
  166. exp
  167. eye
  168. fclose
  169. feather
  170. feof
  171. ferror
  172. feval
  173. fft2
  174. fftshift
  175. fft
  176. fgetl
  177. fgets
  178. figure
  179. fill3
  180. fill
  181. filter2
  182. filter
  183. findobj
  184. findstr
  185. find
  186. finite
  187. fix
  188. flag
  189. fliplr
  190. flipud
  191. floor
  192. flops
  193. fmins
  194. fmin
  195. fopen
  196. format
  197. for
  198. fplot
  199. fprintf
  200. fread
  201. frewind
  202. fscanf
  203. fseek
  204. ftell
  205. full
  206. function
  207. funm
  208. fwrite
  209. fzero
  210. gallery
  211. gammainc
  212. gammaln
  213. gamma
  214. gca
  215. gcd
  216. gcf
  217. gco
  218. getenv
  219. getframe
  220. get
  221. ginput
  222. global
  223. gplot
  224. gradient
  225. graymon
  226. gray
  227. griddata
  228. grid
  229. gtext
  230. hadamard
  231. hankel
  232. hess
  233. hex2dec
  234. hex2num
  235. hidden
  236. hilb
  237. hist
  238. hold
  239. home
  240. hostid
  241. hot
  242. hsv2rgb
  243. hsv
  244. ifft2
  245. ifft
  246. if
  247. image
  248. imag
  249. info
  250. inf
  251. input
  252. int2str
  253. interp1
  254. interp2
  255. interpft
  256. invhilb
  257. inv
  258. isempty
  259. isglobal
  260. ishold
  261. isieee
  262. isinf
  263. isletter
  264. isnan
  265. isreal
  266. isspace
  267. issparse
  268. isstr
  269. isstudent
  270. jet
  271. keyboard
  272. kron
  273. lasterr
  274. lcm
  275. legendre
  276. length
  277. lin2mu
  278. line
  279. linspace
  280. load
  281. log10
  282. log2
  283. loglog
  284. logm
  285. logspace
  286. log
  287. lower
  288. lscov
  289. lu
  290. magic
  291. mat2str
  292. max
  293. mean
  294. median
  295. menu
  296. meshc
  297. meshgrid
  298. meshz
  299. mesh
  300. mexdebug
  301. min
  302. more
  303. moviein
  304. movie
  305. mu2lin
  306. NaN
  307. nargchk
  308. nargin
  309. nargout
  310. newplot
  311. nextpow2
  312. nnls
  313. nnz
  314. nonzeros
  315. normest
  316. norm
  317. null
  318. num2str
  319. nzmax
  320. ode23p
  321. ode23
  322. ode45
  323. ones
  324. orient
  325. orth
  326. pack
  327. pascal
  328. patch
  329. path
  330. pause
  331. pcolor
  332. pink
  333. pinv
  334. pi
  335. plot3
  336. plot
  337. pol2cart
  338. polar
  339. polyder
  340. polyeig
  341. polyfit
  342. polyvalm
  343. polyval
  344. poly
  345. pow2
  346. ppval
  347. printopt
  348. print
  349. prism
  350. prod
  351. qrdelete
  352. qrinsert
  353. qr
  354. quad8
  355. quad
  356. quit
  357. quiver
  358. qz
  359. randn
  360. randperm
  361. rand
  362. rank
  363. rats
  364. rat
  365. rbbox
  366. rcond
  367. realmax
  368. realmin
  369. real
  370. rem
  371. reset
  372. reshape
  373. residue
  374. return
  375. rgb2hsv
  376. rgbplot
  377. roots
  378. rose
  379. rosser
  380. rot90
  381. rotate
  382. round
  383. rref
  384. rsf2csf
  385. save
  386. saxis
  387. schur
  388. script
  389. sech
  390. sec
  391. semilogx
  392. semilogy
  393. setstr
  394. set
  395. shading
  396. sign
  397. sinh
  398. sin
  399. size
  400. slice
  401. sort
  402. sound
  403. spalloc
  404. sparse
  405. spaugment
  406. spconvert
  407. spdiags
  408. specular
  409. speye
  410. spfun
  411. sph2cart
  412. sphere
  413. spinmap
  414. spline
  415. spones
  416. spparms
  417. sprandn
  418. sprandsym
  419. sprank
  420. sprintf
  421. spy
  422. sqrtm
  423. sqrt
  424. sscanf
  425. stairs
  426. std
  427. stem
  428. str2mat
  429. str2num
  430. strcmp
  431. strrep
  432. strtok
  433. subplot
  434. subspace
  435. sum
  436. surface
  437. surfc
  438. surfl
  439. surfnorm
  440. surf
  441. svd
  442. symbfact
  443. symmmd
  444. symrcm
  445. tanh
  446. tan
  447. terminal
  448. text
  449. tic
  450. title
  451. toc
  452. toeplitz
  453. trace
  454. trapz
  455. treelayout
  456. treeplot
  457. tril
  458. triu
  459. type
  460. uicontrol
  461. uigetfile
  462. uimenu
  463. uiputfile
  464. unix
  465. unwrap
  466. upper
  467. vander
  468. version
  469. ver
  470. viewmtx
  471. view
  472. waitforbuttonpress
  473. waterfall
  474. wavread
  475. wavwrite
  476. what
  477. which
  478. while
  479. whitebg
  480. whos
  481. who
  482. why
  483. wilkinson
  484. wk1const
  485. wk1read
  486. wk1wrec
  487. wk1write
  488. xlabel
  489. xor
  490. ylabel
  491. zeros
  492. zlabel
  493. zoom